Backyard Biodiversity

Our featured project this month is “Backyard Biodiversity”, a research and citizen science project hosted by Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research. It highlights the benefits that people and the environment derive from caring for, and enhancing “backyard biodiversity” - that’s the plants and animals all around us in our garden, school, city park, cemetery, local bush patch, farm, roadside, beach or estuary.


Buy an Art Print now


Save 50% during the Science Festival!

Pick your favourite photo below, and hit the ‘Buy Now’ button at the bottom.


Taiao ora - Healthy nature

Mauri ora - Life, energy, vitality

Kaitiakitanga - Guardianship

Tangata ora - Healthy people

Whenua ora - Healthy land

Purchase an art print from this, or any of the other galleries, during the New Zealand International Science Festival in Ōtepoti (Dunedin, 30 June - 9 July 2023), to score a 50% discount on normal price.

Each purchase triggers a donation to either the Carisbrook School EnviroSchools project or Orokonui Ecosanctuary - you choose!

Buy now to drive biodiversity action!

Keen to see and read some more?

We hope you enjoyed our Backyard Biodiversity gallery. If you would like to see more from other subject categories and find out more fascinating information about our ecosystems, just click on any of the images below. You can select images from any gallery and still qualify for the 50% discount for the Backyard Biodiversity project.